June is Lipoedema Awareness Month

This year, the theme for Lipoedema Australia’s Awareness Month is "Empowered Together."  It’s a time when we come together to raise awareness about lipoedema, to educate, inspire, and support those impacted by lipoedema. At Lipoedema Australia, we aim to foster an environment of understanding and compassion within our community and beyond, by sharing information, our stories, and support for one another.  

Early detection plays a crucial role in managing lipoedema effectively. By raising awareness, educating ourselves, and informing healthcare professionals about the signs and symptoms of lipoedema, we can create opportunities for early detection and diagnosis. A timely diagnosis enables access to appropriate treatment, allowing proactive, conservative measures to begin, which can alleviate symptoms and the progression of the disease.

The promotion of body positivity messages, self-acceptance, and advocating for inclusive beauty standards can provide an environment where people with lipoedema can learn to embrace their bodies with love, care and confidence. It is important to keep in mind that lipoedema is not your fault, and that your worth is not tied up with how you look. Keeping on track with anti-inflammatory ways of eating, skincare, regular gentle exercise and compression can also help you reduce pain and inflammation, and improve your overall well-being.

Lipoedema affects millions of people worldwide, and behind each diagnosis lies a unique and inspiring story of resilience. During awareness month, lunches are held around the country for people with lipoedema and their supporters, to come together and share our stories.These stories serve as a reminder that together, we can find strength, support, and hope in our shared experiences.

Join us this month as we embark on a journey of empowerment, compassion, and solidarity, encouraging all people with lipoedema to embrace their bodies, be kind to themselves and find support within a community that understands. Together, let us make a difference and create a world where lipoedema is recognised, accepted, and supported.